Ambee provides heatmaps for air quality and pollen levels (grass, tree, weed) through its Tile Map Service (TMS) APIs. These heatmaps generate tile image overlays in PNG format covering the last 50 hours in UTC format.
Ambee currently offers four different heatmaps, customizable to requirements:
Each map can be requested individually using its own endpoint.
To use Ambee’s heatmap API, you will need an API key for authentication by contacting our team
Data on air quality from the past 50 hours is available. Previous UTC hour data will be updated on the current UTC hour.
Ex: If the current UTC time is 05:00, then the heatmap will be generated for the 4th UTC hour.
Data on pollen from the past 50 hours is available. Current hour data will be updated for the last hour of current UTC time.
Ex: If the current UTC time is 05:57, then the heatmap will be generated for the 05:00 UTC hour.
A tile overlay is a collection of image tiles displayed on top of a base map (such as Google Maps). Each image tile, typically 512 x 512 pixels in size, is positioned relative to the Southeast corner of an x/y coordinate on the map. The overlay tiles are designed to scale according to the map's zoom level, ensuring they align correctly and provide detailed information or imagery at various magnifications.
A tile overlay is a grid of tiles, each with (X, Y) coordinates. The (0, 0) tile is at the northwest corner, with X values increasing west to east and Y values increasing north to south.
The Ambee Air Quality and Pollen Heatmap Tile Overlay API supports tile-map services using the Mercator Projection. It includes:
Air Quality