This interactive environment allows you to test Ambee APIs live, giving you hands-on experience with our data offerings. Before you begin, ensure you have an API key. To know more about API Keys, please visit the API keys section.
Our endpoints section details all available endpoints. The documentation for each endpoint includes the required parameters and the response structure you can expect.
"message": "success",
"stations": [
"CO": 1.453,
"NO2": 25.291,
"OZONE": 8.032,
"PM10": 52.24,
"PM25": 21.943,
"SO2": 1.898,
"city": "Bangalore",
"countryCode": "IN",
"division": "Bangalore",
"lat": 11.98625,
"lng": 77.550478,
"placeName": "Race course road",
"postalCode": "560020",
"state": "Karnataka",
"updatedAt": "2021-05-29T13:00:00.000Z",
"AQI": 72,
"aqiInfo": {
"pollutant": "PM2.5",
"concentration": 21.943,
"category": "Moderate"